Monday, October 11, 2010

Spelling Homework

Hello Students,
Tonight I would like you to type at least four sentences using your spelling words. Make sure each sentence contains at least 1 spelling word.

Challenge yourself:
- Try to begin each of your sentences a different way.
- Don't begin sentences with "I."
- Write different types of sentences (commands, exclamations, etc.).
- How many spelling words can you use in each sentence?

Your teacher,
Miss Mastronardi


  1. The earth is round.
    Search for the snake.
    Someone ate a snack.
    I just went horseback riding.

  2. I will search the word rocket.
    I will learn about earth.
    Do you sleep early and wake up early?
    Do you earn stuff when you do chores?
    Are you someone who plays the guitar?

  3. Can I fly the rocket?
    That is so not pretty.
    You did not earn the prize.
    Can we go horseback riding?

  4. I researched more about the earth.
    Did you know Polaris is another name for a constellation.
    I woke up very early and I heard what the weather was today.
    I rehearseed so I would be a good dancer in the Nutcracker.

  5. We researched frogs in class.
    Pearls are beautiful!
    My mom yearns for a dog.
    How do you go horseback riding?

  6. Today we use research to learn more about the earth.I found a pearl! A boy heard a rocket. How early do you wake up?

  7. Does the earth has trees and plants that help us breath?
    My brother and I wish we can go horseback riding. Go fix the rocket.
    Wow,that constellation is big!

  8. We live on earth.
    Research that bug.
    Do you like horseback riding?
    That is a big rocket!

  9. They yearn for the fall season.
    Andrew wants to earn the toy.
    Have you ever heard of the news?
    My mom is pretty.

  10. We learn about stars and polaris.
    We went horseback riding and someone giuded us.
    Did you know that the earth spins around the sun?
    My sister got a pearl because she earned it.

  11. A rocket is very fast.
    Someone learns how to play the piano.
    Someone had to find the button.
    The earth is very round and it goes in a circle.
    Logan rehearsed the play.
    A person has a pearl in her hand.
    My Mom yearns for that kitchen.
    Logan heard some people scream !

  12. Polaris is the north star.I like to learn. Miss Mastronardi is very pretty.I wake up early for school.I earn ticets for things I do good. I like learning about constellations.

  13. We learn about stars.The sun is closer to earth then other stars.
    I wake up early in the morning.
    Miss Mastronardi is pretty!

  14. I love to learn!
    We love research!
    I heard that.
    Did someone toot?

  15. I heard a dog.
    I fond a pearl.
    I like to horseback.
    I sall a rocket.
    My friend and I search for clos.

  16. I like to learn.
    You need to earn a ticket.
    Constellation's are cool.
    Someone has a toy.

  17. The pretty girl heard that someone wake up early because of a rocket ship.
    I was doing a research aboat the earth.
    We got to earn some money this weekend.
    He got to see the constellations and the polaris.

  18. Did someone whisle?
    I know that a sun is a star.
    Did you know that pluto is a star.
